The Design Challenge:

• Redesign their B-C eCommerce website to be responsive, expand their online presence and brand, add to the size of the site with larger images and technical call-outs that feature their proprietary technical fabrics and details.

• Build and refine the UX for the checkout and purchasing, inspiring online buyer confidence and increasing online purchasing.


• Creative direction: Led the updated layout and direction, created responsive templates, style guides, testing, and refining processes to build and scale a catalog of images for the new format.

• Managed the output of the remote web team (photography, illustration, and development with daily scrums).
Home Page - Banner Campaign
based on Active Lifestyle Photos in-motion:
Banners are built with responsive scaling for desktop, tablet, and mobile, and easy updates to photos and text for seasonal updates.

Product Feature Page - Spyfire Collection:
First view / Primary User Experience:
• eCommerce Buy Now, and Large Image Views scale responsively to keep the buy now, size, and color variants in the first view.
• Visual Search Navigational Header
Secondary View:
• A responsive, long, scrolling page by design.
• Technical fabrics and features are showcased as hero shots and callouts. 
• Illustrative Technical Callouts "animate open" as page scrolls.

Infographics 3 part programmatic animation:
(85 created for featured products)
Web and Mobile Scrolling Animation and Call Outs: 
As the user scrolls, the image animates apart to call out technical detail
(shrinking to responsive mobile)
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